

Salam sejahtera to everyone in UNIMAS.
First and foremost, I would like to express my gratitude to God for His blessings in allowing me to give this address as the Director of UNIMAS Security Division that is henceforth known as UNIMAS Auxiliary Police.

In this globalized era, issues relating to safety threats have become more complex. In fact, on a national level, security is one of the country’s main issues right now.

Keeping up with the times, alongside the increasing number of students and vehicles, problems relating to security have also become more complicated. This is not something to be regarded lightly, especially in a university campus.

With this change, the UNIMAS Auxiliary Police will not only function as the eyes and ears of other security agencies, but also as an effective deterrent to crimes on-campus and further help in reducing crime rates and related incidents of breaking the law.

Furthermore, among the efforts the Security Division have undertaken are as follows:
  1. To continue the Safety Awareness Programs among campus personnel, especially in students’ residential colleges to promote a safety-focused lifestyle among the students.
  2. To create relevant contingency plans in accordance to the current safety issues on campus as well as to continuously train to evaluate the officers’ level of preparedness.
  3. To continually evaluate current security issues in order to take early preventive measures in accordance to our policy of prevention is better than cure’.
Officers of UNIMAS Auxiliary Police are expected to understand and give full commitment to these improvement efforts and to actively enhance the image of UNIMAS to the community at large.

As the people who spent the most time at all entrances and exits of the university, patrolling and monitoring the campus to ensure the security level is under control, I advise all officers of UNIMAS Auxiliary Police to keep a cool head while on duty, ensure that your conducts are according to the rules and requirements of the university, and always keep a positive attitude in addition to continually strive to increase the quality of your services.

And lastly, as an important entity responsible for the safety and security of the university, I urge all of you to continue pursuing our hopes and visions of the Security Division to make the campus grounds of UNIMAS SAFE, HARMONIOUS AND COMFORTABLE FOR ALL.

Thank You.